Traditional Peripheral Neuropathy Treatments
Common short term remedies used by our current medical establishment usually involve the use of prescription medication, injection therapy, and physical therapy. Surgery may be needed to treat some causes of neuropathy (e.g., carpal tunnel syndrome).
In many cases, prompt diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause can reduce the risk for permanent nerve damage. For example, controlling diabetes may significantly reduce diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and in extreme cases renal dialysis often improves neuropathy that develops as a result of chronic renal failure.
- · Medication
- · Injection Therapy
- · Surgery
- · Control other diseases
- · no cure - treatments ongoing

- "Alternative" Peripheral Neuropathy Treatments
There is much progress being made in this field. As with most alternatives approaches, the idea is to remedy the causes at work. Reduced blood flow, Statin Cholesterol drugs, oxygen deprivation, nutritional deficiencies all are directly causal in neuropathy, leading to very poor electrical current flow through the tiny nerve cells and fibers. These alternative approaches address these issues directly.
Luckily, in the field of peripheral neuropathy, a significant advance has been developed that uses special electrical signals to mimic and rehabilitate damaged nerves and surrounding tissue!
- · Precise Electrical Stimulation
- · Oxygen and Ozone Therapy
- · Vitamin supplements
- · Reduce Body Toxicity
- · Control other diseases
- Pulsating IR